SoNar sensor for NADH/NAD+ ratio
Pre-made plasmids expressing SoNar, highly responsive sensor for NADH/NAD+ ratio. The SoNar sensor mainly expressed in cytosol. FR Biotechnology also provide SoNar sensor targeting to specific subcellular compartments such as mitochondria and nucleus.
There are three forms of SoNar sensor.
1\SoNar sensor. The original SoNar sensors is excited by 420 and 485 nm and emit green fluorescence. The fluorescence ratio of SoNar when excited at 420 and 485 nm reports NAD+/NADH redox state. SoNar’s fluorescence when excited at 485 nm is sensitive to pH, whereas its fluorescence excited at 420 nm is pH-resistant.
2\iNapc, the pH- control sensor for both SoNar and iNap sensor. iNapc control sensor has similar structure and fluorescence as SoNar sensor, however it does not respond to NAD+/NADH redox state. iNapc sensor is the ideal control sensor to normalized the effects of pH fluctuation during the time course of measurements.
3\SoNar-mCherry fusion. Fusion of SoNar to a red fluorescent protein allows measurement on the basis of the green/red fl uorescence ratio (i.e., 420/590-nm ratio), which is pH-resistent, but at the expense of lower sensor's dynamic range.
For precise measurement of NADH level, it is very important and neccessary to use iNapc to correct the potential pH effects for live cell studies or in vitro studies. We recommend customers to purchase iNapc together with your order of SoNar sensors.
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